This is not my invoice, I cannot approve

You are notified of an invoice for approval, but you are not responsible? No problem, here you can do:

  1. Check who sent you the invoice for approval: open the DOkument and click History. Here you will see if the invoice was previously with another user who assigned it to you. If no user is listed here, you are the first approver of the invoice and please go to step 2.

  2. Check who sent the invoice to the tool. Open the invoice and look in the “Overview” tab to see what is entered under Source. You can contact the user and clarify who is responsible for this invoice and in which workflow the invoice should be sent now.

Send the invoice to another workflow

Now that you have clarified who is responsible for the invoice, you can easily send it to the right process:

Open the document
Select Forward to someone else in the upper right corner.
Under Forward to another approval process select which workflow you want to send the invoice to, then click Forward.