Chart of accounts

In order to enter invoices in SMACC for accounting records, a chart of accounts must be specified. Your accountants can use only these accounts on the invoice document. The easiest way: Export your chart of accounts from your accounting software as .csv or .xlsx and import it into SMACC.

Note: They will not need all the accounts from your chart of accounts in SMACC, so it is recommended to limit the list of accounts to the accounts of expenses.

Add chart of accounts

  1. Open the company settings (main menu/client).
  2. Select Chart of accounts
  3. Add single accounts. Enter the account number and name click on Add to chart.
    When you have added all the accounts, click on Save.
  4. Add chart of accounts Save your chart of accounts as csv Open the csv in an editor Select & copy everything Paste the values in the field “copy & paste your code;description here.”
    click on Save.

Automatic accounts

If you use automatic accounts in your accounting software, we recommend configuring them as such in SMACC as well. Automatic accounts have a fixed control configuration.

  1. Open the company settings (main menu/client).
  2. Select Chart of accounts
  3. Tick all the accounts that are saved as automatic accounts in your accounting software.
  4. Click Save

Accounts for which the usage of individual fields is not allowed

You can lock accounts where no entry is allowed in an individual field (for example, cost centers or dimensions).
A lock is then displayed to the user when he uses this account.

  1. Open the company settings (main menu/client).
  2. Select Chart of accounts
  3. Tick all the concerned accounts.
  4. Click Save

Delete a single account

If accounts are deleted, they can no longer be used. The deletion has no effect on already processed documents.

  1. Open the company settings (main menu/client).
  2. Select Chart of accounts
  3. Click on trashbox next to the account.
  4. Click Save